Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for progress. Please notify us in advance if your child will be absent. Excessive absences may affect class placement.
Behavior: Students are expected to behave respectfully and follow the instructor’s guidance. Disruptive behavior may result in the disciplinary action of being excused from the classroom momentarily or indefinitely without refund.
Drop-Off/Pick-Up: Students should be dropped off and picked up promptly. The studio is not responsible for students outside of scheduled class times.
Fees: Tuition fees are due on a monthly basis if not paid in full up front. There are no refunds for missed classes or withdrawals. A late fee will be applied to overdue payments.
Media Release: From time to time, the studio may take photographs or videos for promotional purposes. By signing this form, you consent to your child’s image being used for such purposes.
Liability Waiver: I, the undersigned, release Dance with JOY and The PULSE Center, its employees, and agents from any liability for injuries sustained during participation in classes, events, or while on studio premises.
Outstanding Fees: The Participant is responsible for any outstanding fees or charges incurred up to the date of termination, including but not limited to costume fees, registration fees, or any other program-related costs.
Termination Fee, Breaking Contract, or Withdrawals: In addition to the non-refundable registration fee, a termination fee of $300 may apply, as outlined in the studio’s fee schedule if for any reason a family withdraws from the DWJ Program after being enrolled.
Late Fees: Late payment fees are non-refundable. The first late payment fee is $50 for yearly, fall and spring semesters, and $50 for the summer semester. An additional $100 fee for yearly, fall and spring semesters or a $100 fee for the summer semester will be assessed to the student account in the event a second bill is sent and payment is not made on or before the due date stated on the bill.
In the event a balance is not paid after the due date on the third bill, a 1.5% default fee will be applied each month to all unpaid tuition and fees balances until the charges are paid in full.